Konstantinos Paleologos, Curriculum Vitae in English / Translated by Tchoukie McCoy


LAST NAME             : Paleologos
FIRST NAME            : Konstantinos
e-mail:                        : kpaleologos@itl.auth.gr

Konstantinos Paleologos is a Doctor of Spanish Literature [University of Granada, Spain]. He works as a Full Professor at the Department of Italian Literature, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh) where his field is Translation Studies with a teaching track in Spanish Literature. He also teaches Spanish Literature and Creative Writing at the Hellenic Open University as well as translation at both AUTh’s Interdepartmental Program of Postgraduate Studies in Translation and Interpretation and at the University of Malaga, Spain. Personal blog: http://konstantinos-paleologos.blogspot.gr. He has been awarded with the Officer's Cross of the Order of Civil Merit (May 2022). The focus of his research and academic interests is on group/collective literary translation; the training of translators; micro-narratives written in Spanish and their subsequent translation in Greek, and on the analysis of the role of the literary canon in the acclaim (or obscurity) of mainly Spanish literature writers of the 20th century.


His Spanish- Greek translations include works by: R. del Valle-Inclán, E. Pardo Bazán, M. de Unamuno, F. García Lorca, J. Emar, O. Girondo, E. Sábato, M. Delibes, M. Altolaguirre, M. Vázquez Montalbán, I. Aldecoa, C. Aira, J. Villoro, L. Sepúlveda, J. Llamazares, R. Chirbes, J. Ayesta, L. M. Panero, S. de Toro, A. Bryce Echenique, A. Trapiello, F. Brines, A. Gamoneda, A. Méndez, A. Cueto, F. Iwasaki, J. Carrión, Á. Enrigue, T. Segovia, G. Arriaga, É. Mendoza, A. Liddell, A. Ungar, Μ. Sanz, E. Monge and A. Neuman.

His Catalan- Greek translations include works by: Q. Monzó, S. Pàmies, Μ. Orriols, M. Veiga and E. Nolla.


He is the author of the following books:


2022 Ιστορία και Ανθολόγιο Κειμένων της Σύγχρονης Ισπανικής Λογοτεχνίας [20ός αιώνας] [History and an Anthology of texts from the 20th-century Contemporary Spanish Literature] Publisher: PEDIO Publishing.

2021 Πλασμένοι [Αφορμές], short stories Publisher: POTAMOS Publishing.


2020 Proyecto GreQuerías. Antología del minicuento griego contemporáneo [Proyecto GreQuerías, an anthology of Modern Greek micro-stories] in collaboration with Eduardo Lucena Publisher: E.D.A. Libros.


2018 Literatura y Traducción. Apuntes TraLiterarios, with an introduction by J. Llamazares Publisher: E.D.A. Libros.


2017 Σπιράλ ιστορίες [Spiral Stories], in collaboration with Alexis Paleologos-Sofos and Leto Paleologou-Sofou Publisher: Gavriilidis Publications.


2014 Βγάλε ένα φύλλο… Ανθολογία ισπανοαμερικάνικου ερωτικού μικροδιηγήματος [Pluck a Page: an anthology of Spanish-American, erotic micro-stories], with an introduction by Michalis Mitsos Publisher: Michalis Sideris Publications.


2014 Η (α)πειθαρχία των λέξεων. Κείμενα για τη λογοτεχνική μετάφραση και την ισπανόφωνη λογοτεχνία [The (dis)Array of Words: narratives on literary translation and Hispanic literature], with an introduction by Athina Dimitriadou Publisher: Gavrielides Books [2nd revised edition published by PEDIO Publishing, 2021].


2012 Mini71cuentos, Ανθολογία ισπανοαμερικάνικου μικροδιηγήματος [Mini71cuentos, an anthology of Spanish-American micro-stories] Publisher: Michalis Sideris Publications.


2007 Ελληνοϊσπανικό και ισπανοελληνικό γλωσσάριο αθλητικών όρων [Greek-Spanish and Spanish-Greek Glossary of Sports Terminology] Publisher: Patakis Publications.


2003 Ισπανική λογοτεχνία του 19ου και 20ού αιώνα [Spanish Literature II: 19th & 20th century], in collaboration with Vasilis Alexiou Publisher: Hellenic Open University.

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